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Posture, Get it Straight Book

Posture, Get it Straight Book

In just moments, you will learn to:

  • Look younger and thinner
  • Stand straighter instantly
  • Instantly lose an inch or more from middle
  • Prevent and get rid of back and neck pain
  • Strengthen your abdominals
  • Improve athletic performance
  • Decrease chance of injury
  • Improve breathing, circulation & digestion
  • Radiate health, vitality and confidence

Posture, Get it Straight! DVD

Posture, Get it Straight! DVD

Simple Steps That Lead to Powerful Changes.

DVD - NEW revised edition with new exercises, information, tips and techniques.

DVD includes a FREE non-latex resistance band.

This DVD includes simple techniques to help you stand straighter NOW! You can stop the slump, regain your height and take an inch or more off your mid-section. All of the exercise were designed to align head over shoulders, flatten upper back, un-round and straighten shoulders, decrease sway back, and strengthen abdominal muscles.

Posture is important because it greatly affects how you look and how you feel.

Improving your posture can help you look younger because it stops the rounding over that occurs as we age. It can help you look thinner because standing tall can take up to an inch off your mid-section.

Not only does poor posture look bad, it is the leading cause of back/neck pains because it puts uneven pressure on joints, disks, and soft tissue.

Not only will you look better when you improve posture, but you can rid yourself of those annoying aches and pains that lower the quality of life.

The Posture, Get It Straight DVD will help you look:

  • 10 Years Younger
  • 10 Pounds Thinner

No matter how bad you think your posture is or how long you've had poor posture, it is never too late! You can improve your posture and you can start right NOW!



In just moments, you can learn how to:

  • Stand straighter instantly!
  • Look younger and thinner
  • Instantly lose an inch or more from middle
  • Prevent and get rid of back and neck pain
  • Strengthen your abdominals
  • Improve athletic performance
  • Decrease chance of injury
  • Improve breathing, circulation & digestion
  • Radiate health, vitality and confidence

Absolutely Abdominals DVD

Absolutely Abdominals DVD

Don't waste time doing traditional crunches. They are not very effective and can hurt your neck and back. The exercises in this DVD will show you how to strengthen all four layers of abdominal muscle WITHOUT stressing your neck or back.

This DVD contains all of the strengthening exercises done in Janice Novak's Absolutely Abdominals workshop. The exercises will strengthen all four layers of abdominal muscle WITHOUT straining neck or back joints. There are NO crunches in this program. You'll find that the seated exercises can be done many times throughout the day because you won't have to change clothes, get on the floor or haul yourself to a gym. They can easily fit into the busiest schedules.

There are four layers of abdominal muscles, each with fibers running in a different direction. The criss-crossing pattern shapes your midsection and supports your lower back, helps improve posture and helps with breathing. When the abdominals are weaker than they should be, the lower back is allowed to sag inward, creating uneven pressure in the bones, nerves and soft tissue, forcing some muscles to work incredibly hard all day long while other muscles just get weaker and weaker. Weak abdominals can lead to an array of problems such as lower back pain, sciatic nerve pain, herniated disks, sway back, a pot belly and a thickened waistline.

There are many reasons why the abdominals can weaken and lose shape: sitting for hours at day at a desk or computer, past pregnancies, abdominal surgery, inactivity to name a few. Needless to say, many of us suffer the ill effects of weak abdominals. You can change all of that. In this DVD, you will learn exercises that will quickly and effectively strengthen your abdominals and re-shape your waistline - without having to get on the floor.


Non-Latex Resistance Band

Non-Latex Resistance Band

Easy to use - strengthen, tone and get in shape with this posture tool. Order extra bands for your friends!


Complete Package

Complete Package

A 16% discount!

Posture, Get It Straight! Package includes Book, Companion DVD and Resistance Band.
